Friday, January 31, 2003

Whoever thought of the idea for Internet Porn is an idiot.There are much better things to do and see on the internet than to whack off to pictures of Women you will never have.

Attention Meijer team members: The hole in Juanita's mouth will be open for at least the next 10 minutes.

Attention Meijer Team Leaders: I am not you cart whore, I never was nor will I ever be.

Monday, January 13, 2003

To all of those movie makers who think they can boost their buy rates just by including Vin Deasel in some piece of crap action-blow-em-up movie get a life that Frickin' Idiot could not act his way out of a paper bag and his movies all suck even Fast And The Furious which should of been called the Young And The Brainless because thats exactly what audiance that movie was intended for.

And of course their is the one that thinks he can play his Guitar just like one of those big Rock and Roll stars. I got news for you chump you can't play the guitar in fact you downright suck at it so give it up.

Why must my Frickin' Idiot neighbors blast their freaking stereos so loud at 7:30 a.m. just to prove they have loud stereos? I think you proved that ya idiots now go back to bed.

Friday, January 10, 2003

Let me say right here and now whoever thinks Pauly Shore is or ever was hilarious should have their heads examined becasue they are classified as a Frickious Idiotious. (medical term for Frickin' Idiot)

Hey hear about the Law in Ohio that states it is Illegal to get a fish drunk? Yeah you wonder what kind of Frickin' Idiot got the ball rolling on that one?

Of course their are today's artists who create music about violence and sex. HEY PEOPLE you can make great music without being a schmuck and don't get me started on those Idiots who think writing about Satanism is cool when in fact it is NOT. HEY MORONS take a look at such bands as P.O.D., Creed and Skillet you can make great music and still stay positive. Why Must I Be Surrounded By Frickin' Idiots?

Everyday I see stuff that keeps on bringing up the question that noone seem to know the answer to...Why Must I Be Surrounded By Frickin' Idiots? One such event that has posed it is hearing about P.E.T.A. (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) boycotting Kentucky Fried Chicken. I guess they Finally realized what the Colonel was serving his customers.

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