Thursday, September 29, 2005

You think you know who you are? you have no idea.

I think we have been rear ended, I think we have spun around twice and somewhere in there one of us lost our frame of reference.

You could fill the Staple Center with what you don't know.

people man, people.- Crash

O.K. so I was wrong. There I admit it I was wrong at the premire of Elizabethtown Kirsten Dunst's new film she let slip that Venom and Sandman were the villains for the new Spiderman movie which is another example of how you cannot completly trust the internet and I still don't. At least (unlike some other people I know) I can admit when I am wrong.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Post#370 and I still haven't run out of steam man I'm good.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Why is it that my multi-media computer teacher looks like Otho from Beetlejuice? (aka Glen Shadix)

In a SCSI situation pants always beats no pants.

My apologies to Jerry Seinfeld.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I recently tried to write an e-mail to Michael Moore more or less letting him know exactly what I think of him and gee what a surprise it got sent back to me marked "undeliverable" I am not at all surprised that goober probably already gets so much hate mail (mine was more opinion than attack really) that he has a filter that sorts through and only keeps mail sent from one of his cronies (I call them Moore-ons) whom are only praising him and/or sucking his teat.

I just got back from Eat-N-Park where I met Angel and all I got was water and the waitress still brought me a check for $0.00 Gee glad I had enough on me to cover it I might of been in trouble otherwise.

Question: How does it feel?

Answer: It probably feels whack.

Comments: That is one of the dumbest freakin' things I have read in a long time.

Contrary to popular belief the answer to Life, the Universe, and everything is not 42 sorry for any confusion that this has caused and rest assured the parties responsible for creating such nonsense are going to be sternly punished with a really, really bad (although for what it is really, really bad is the norm) Vogon poem.

And now for an update on my life (If you don't care then KMB :-) thanks)

School has been pretty busy Audio Production has been kind of hectic but nowhere near as hectic as video production as I have to make something of a video but it'll be fun.

Angel and I are doing great we have been dating 6 months and things really couldn't be better between us. We are taking things slow (not doing anything we shouldn't be doing stuff like that can seriously ruin relationships) And having a great time together.

This upcoming week is gonna be HECTIC between training in the Radio station to other activities for The Full Armor of The Spirit Christian group at the school monday through Wednesday is going to be crazy for me.

Job search is still going badly but God is providing for me so I am not going to complain.

In Audio production I have to do a music concrete which is a voice over with music behindit
I am thinking about doing the poem that the Vogon read to Arthur and Ford in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy set to classical music complete with fake british accent it should be fun.

Anyway thats about wraps it up for this update and remember no matter how bad life gets or how crappy your situations are remember there is always vanilla.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Here we go again/ infatuation touches me just when I thought that it would end/oh but then again it seems much more than that/ but I'm not sure exactly what you're thinkin'/well I toss and turn all night thinkin' of your ways of affection/but to find that it's not differant at all/ well I throw away my past mistakes and contemplate my future/ and I say "what the hey."- Green Day

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Recently I have read that Michael Moore (yeah the same movie making schmuck who brought us many films founded in bull) is seriously considering making a documentary on the devestation cause by Hurrican Katrina. To no ones surprise he is blaming George W. Bush (our president like it or not) for New Orleans being destroyed by a Hurricane and not the Hurricane itself. Proving yet again that Moore in fact wouldn't know the turth if it kicked him in the head.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Things I have learned while watching The Kids in the Hall.

If you melt a person down and sold the component parts it would only be worth $.87 but that would be a really weird store.

If you are ever on a Chain Gang then keep in touch with your Chain Gang mates.

30 Helens agree on quite a lot of things.

Head crushing is a really fun hobby.

Don't ever play Ping-Pong with Mark McKinney watching he'll drive you crazy with innane chatter.

Many people wonder a lot about Tony like who he is, where is he? what is he thinking about? is he thinking about Scott Thompson in a dress? and if he is ever going to come back.

Canadian guys make really ugly women.

Bruce McCulloch knows a lot of people named Dave.

Paul Bellini is a good man.

Ducks are often mistaken for shoes.

Chicken Ladies can get dates.

Women love a guy with a Cabbage for a head.

You should never let a kid keep a stray Business man if it follws him home it must stay with his own kind.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

With all do respect to Project 86. We don't need no toothless heroes.

To: Those who wish to post comments on frickin' Idioits.

From: Management

Garbage/spam comments will be deleted without hesitation or second thought and the poster will get slapped with a fish. Do not I repeat DO NOT post comments that pertain to nothing but your own selfish, money-grubbing ways because they will be deleted. On that note all comment posters must now belong to so no outside comments are allowed. Thank you for your time.

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