Monday, January 31, 2005

MMMMM sleepy time

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Forgive others and ye shall be forgiven

You get a new car?

No new tires the car just came with them

Well Bloggerinos it is I, back again after a while of not posting here is what is going on in my life. I have decided to go back to school and study Media Technology it will surely fit me better than Microcomputer Applications. Also I may have found a place just about am ile down the road from the school it is in a small,quiet town called Kirtland. I tried to get into this place called Pine Ridge but those snobbish, self-appreciating, ignorant people did not think enough of me to let me in. I should of took it as a sign when I was driving through the parking lot and this woman in an suv who was 10 feet in front of me decided to back out without looking and almost took out the front of my car. Not much going on with me relationship wise I started chatting with Ania again and I couldn't be happier about it I missed her so much. I also have been sick but I am feeling better than I was the past few days. Well that is whats going on with me more updates as events warrant...or I get a chance to post them.

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