Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Trip report time since I went to Geauga Lake twice this week one time was Wildwater Kingdom and the other was rides I am combining them.

Monday: Arrived at Geauga Lake at around 1:00 it was already 89 degrees and hot,hot,hot outside so Angel and I decide to go to Wildwater Kingdom after getting changed we head over to the brand new wavepool Tidal Wave Bay. I was impressed and had a lot of fun it is a very nicely themed pool and it's waves are a good size as not to scare smaller children spent an hour in it didn't want to get out but Angel wanted to do the lazy river. Riptide run now here is a crappy lazy river easily the worst one I have ever been in. The bottom is really rough on your feet, the layout sucks and it is not wide enough this is definitely the low point of Wildwater Kingdom IMO. After one time around the lazy river there was Coral Cove a nice play area complete with Water Basketball. How can you not love Water Basketball? A whirlpool which is kinda cool and some other assorted nifty little play things. After we played around we were kinda sunburnt and ready to leave.

Wednesday: I arrived at the park (sans Angel) at about 11:00 am to find a t on of busses there and a long line of people waiting to get into the park. I finally get in and immediately feel the need to ride something so I head over to Head Spin a Vekoma Boomerang Coaster. I have always had a soft spot for this ride ever since I first rode it and I still do even if it has gotten a little rough. After my adrenaline rush of Head Spin I went over to an old favorite, a real blast from the past you could say. The Big Dipper (my first adult coaster)an 81 year old John A Miller classic wooden coaster. It's as great as it ever was and I still love this ride. Nice speed, good airtime and still has the clickity-clack sound of the older coasters which I love. Once I got off the Big Dipper I started to make my way down the midway over to Dominator a B&M floorless. I barely made it and it was awesome a tad rougher this year but it is still a great ride. With 3 coasters under my belt for the day I walked over to the Raging Wolf Bobs and almost decided not to ride it. That would of been a mistake with the re-tracing that Cedar Fair did in the off-season this ride is as smooth and fun as ever it is now back in my Top 25 list of favorite coasters ridden. Break time I thought as I headed over to Happy Harbor and the motion simulator Dino Island. I ran into an old co-worker who is now a supervisor and after talking to her for a few min. I got on the ride. It is the same as last year you are in a sub on a mission to rescue a T-Rex named Tony from an Island that has an erupting volcano on it. Not bad though I was the only one on the ride. I went from one show to another as I walked across the midway to Robots of Mars in 4-D. Not bad a computer generated movie with special 3-D/4-D glasses that in many ways involve you in the show. Once I got that done it was about 1:30 and time for Lunch so I left the park and went to the Subway across the street. When I was finished I went back to the park to conquer the one coaster of the day I had yet to ride this season X-Flight an Intense Vekoma Flying coaster easily one of my favs. In the park. Well needless to say this ride has gotten a tad rough as I was almost shaken out of my harness but over all the ride was still enjoyable. As I walked out down the exit ramp I noticed the clouds were looking threatening so I went to the nearest Ben & Jerry's stand got a cup of water and decided to leave the park.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


DVD playing: Wrestlemania 22 Big Time

Match: Undertaker-Mark Henry Casket Match

Went to Cedar Point today and got my Season Pass. Got a used PS2 and a few games. Today has been a good day.

Supposedly The Da Vinci Code has earned $77 million domestically and $147 million world wide proving my theory that people will pay to see a crappy movie and convince themselves that it is good as long as it is steeped enough in bullcrap and controversy. To put it bluntly The Da Vinci Code is crap Dan Brown the author of the book which the movie is based is hack who touts his fiction as truth. Jesus is the truth he never married and he never had children as Brown's novel claims. He came to save us from our sins and that is the truth. Stuff like this convinces me that we are in the last days for it says in the Bible that In the last days Men will exchange the Truth of God for a lie.

Breaking news: (copy and paste you know the deal) Confirms Cedar Fair to acquire all the Paramount Parks. 2 days ago the story broke that Cedar Fair may purchase Kings Island yesterday the bombshell was dropped that they would buy all the Paramount Parks for a sum of $1.24 billion.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's official I am now a buzzing about Cedar Point's 2007 attraction. Red Track (possibly Intamin) Curious signs around the area where it will be (Y'all ready for some serious sidewindin', Hold on to your spurs etc.) Footers as reported earlier and Maverick (the name Cedar Fair tradmarked earlier in the year fits the themeing of the area.) Too small of an are to be a 500 footer (eat your own hat on that one Jeff Putz)I think it may be either an Aquatrax coaster which is a hybrid water coaster/steel coaster or maybe something entirely new altogether only time will tell.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just a few things that Irk me.

1. Celebs who get paid millions of dollars and still act depressed and stuff/celebs that make millions and think they can do whatever the flip they want i.e. Tom Cruise

2.People who "Speak their mind" and think that it is cutting edge and "racy" when in fact it is just stupid that they are getting recognized for doing so (Kanye West, and Carlos Mencia I am looking in your general direction.)

Celebs that are well know for being dumb i.e. Jessica Simpson (supposed M.E.N.S.A. member my @$$)

People who claim to be friends but you do one thing wrong against them and suddenly you are their enemy even if you try to make things right (No name dropping with this one)

People who are twice my age but throw temper tantrums and cry when they don't get their own way. (once again no names dropped)

People who write fiction and try to pass it off as non-fiction (Dan Brown you blasphemer Jesus was never married nor had any children pick up a Bible you hack.)

People who make "documentaries" and twist and distort facts to push their own political agenda(Michale Moore you fat tub of goo put down your 30th Ho-Ho, go pick up a newspaper and try to read whats going on in the world with an open mind and think of someone less fortunate than you for a change you greedy, disgusting nerf herder.)

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