Saturday, October 29, 2005

And how did you feel being denied these Hungry, Hungry Hippos?

Cellar Door

Mood:Tired but good
Movie Playing: Donnie Darko

So this is my life I got my own car, my own apartment, a g/f and...I got a job thats right at Best Buy WOO-HOO I am so happy too bad it is just seasonal but I am hoping and praying (more praying than hoping) that this turns into something more than just seasonal. I am working in the movies, music,video games section which is perfect for me I love that kind of stuff. I have been blessed immensly by God and I give him all the thanks and the praise and the Glory for everything he is doing in my life for he alone is worthy Jesus is worthy for dying for our sins to be out savior PRAISE JESUS at all times for He is Love and He is Good.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This just in: Michael Moore sucks. (editors note: No Duh!) Film at 11.

For every foolish word that you spit, another nail you'll get.-Demon Hunter

The new Demon Hunter CD is out and it ROCKS!!! I am currently listening to it easily ranks up there with their self-titled debut album and their last album SUmmer of Darkness. Demon Hunter is one of my fav. bands from the first time I heard the song Infected I ran out and bought the album that it was off of and was immediatly blown away. More information as album is completed.

Monday, October 17, 2005

"Gentelman you can't fight in here this is the war room."- The President from Dr. Strangelove

Mood: Tired
Song in head: Yellow by Coldplay

*sigh* Why did they cancel MST3K? I miss that show so much it is one of the funniest and smartest shows ever made. The writing was fantastic and the jokes required multiple viewings to catch them all. So much better than "Desperate Houswives" which is wrong on SO many levels. and on that note: WE GOT MOVIE SIGN!!!

Just as he promised our computer teacher networked two computers with a single cord and just as I promised we thwarted an evil plot by Michael Moore whom was trying to break into a Krispy Kreme factory and eat all of the Krispy Kremes. Just another day for our computer class.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I thought I had mono once for an entire year it turned out I was just really bored.-Wayne

Monday, October 10, 2005

Yadda Yadda Yadda

Welcome to Tony Andrea's Multimedia Computer class tonight Tony is pretending to be a dairy farmer from Southern Wisconsin HELP US!!!!!

This preceding post has been deleted by Big Brother who wants to kindly remind you that Big Brother is always watching you.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sometimes I read things that well to be honest make as much sense to me as a crocumentary by Michael "where is my triple whopper with cheese?" Moore. Case in point Cindy Sheehan (editors note: her name is Cindy not Casey, Casey was her son) (or as I call her Mother Moonbat Guano Nutso broad. This chick is such a media whore using the death of her son (who was a soldiar in Iraq) to gain media attention and sympathy from complete strangers. When she finally does get arrested (for rallying without a permit) she is smiling like a Cheshire cat who just ate a canary. Mother Moonbat your 15 min. was up about a half an hour ago go home, get over your problems and move on you're as bad as your pal Moore. Moore there is another crazy fruitcake I am going to comment on. Recently on his website he made a letter to those who voted for Bush I would of copy and pasted the letter with some commentary but blogger doesn't do copy and paste for whatever reason. The biggest part of the letter that got me was him saying that Bush was "stuffing his face with cake" when Hurricane Katrina hit. Stuffing his face with cake? how do you know that Mikey? were you there with him feeding your oversized jowels with so much frosting and sugar and chocolate as to make a 10 year old with ADD bounce off the walls for 2 days straight? How do you know exactly what our president was doing when Katrina hit? Are you psychic or something? psychotic maybe but psychic? I don't think so. I think you were the one stuffing your face when tragedy hit and when you heard about it you just had to get a gallon of Ice Cream to numb your senses (oh wait I forgot you don't feel anything you heartless, insensetive prick). I have seen your movies and yes for a while I was a fan but unlike a lot of your cronies I still actually had an open mind about other peoples opinions because whether or not you want to admit it other people actually do think unlike you who follows an even greater evil than yourself (no, I am not talking about John kerry I am talking about Satan). I read on your website that 500 tons of food and clothing were donated to Katrina victims Mikey were you able to tear yourself away from the teat sucking of all your cronies to actually clean out that small pantry in the corner of your living room of your multi-million dollar home? Oh ho ho ho that is so not you I don't even think you donated so much as a snickers bar for a good cause because that would mean that you actually acknowledged that there are other people on this planet not just yourself. now I know that if you ever read this that you would dismiss me as just another "wacko attacko" Moore get off your soapbox for 5 min. and open up your eyes and maybe you will see that the world does not revolve around you and yes not everyone likes you. You are a liar, a cheater,and a con man who uses people for your advantage and you just throw them away like a used peice of toilet paper. I am no longer going to sit idly by while you keep running your mouth on stuff that you feel is so important that everybody must stop everything they are doing just to watch you make a fool out of yourself and others. Now I will be nice (for now anyway) and not even go into your $3800 a week fat camp that you have checked yourself into(I am saving that for when I am in a bad mood and decide I really need to rip into someone. As for now Mikey you are scum, you have made millions off of the tragedy and suffering of others and to put it quite bluntly I wouldn't whizz on you if you were on fire. O.K. rant over...for now :-)

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I need more Duct Tape!

Check out The Werd World of Weiss It is a collection of humerous/insightful social commentary comics.

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