Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A wise man once said "Git-R-Done."

Warning: If you are offended by the words God, Christ or Christian then I offer no apologies just this disclaimer. If you are a Politically Correct "Whiner Baby" then don't complain I am exercising my first amendment right of free speech. You will see defending of President Bush, bashing of Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, the ACLU, and any other liberal, leftist, unpatriotic tripe spewers that catch the attention of the editors of this blogspot. I do bring Frickin' Idiots to the attention of all viewers of this blogspot and offer no apologies for these people 'earned' their mention on this website. Occasionally views expressed on this website are not endorsed nor shared by blogger.com or any of it's subsidiaries or sponsors. Thank you for your time and enjoy my blog.

Monday, December 26, 2005

You ever notice how some groups (ACLU) claim to be for all people's rights are against rights for Christians? As if to say that Christians aren't really people but some sort of incredible simulation? They scream "What about the rights to celebrate yet when we say Christmas yay we're celebrating Christmas all of a sudden it's "No we can't celebrate Christmas what about those who don't believe in celebrating Christmas?" These are the same people trying to take God and Jesus out of everything. I reserve the right to mention my savior Jesus Christ in public. I also reserve the right to talk about God out in the open and not let the oppressors ,i.e. the ACLU and so on and so forth, telling people what they can and cannot believe in. I am also sick and tired of hearing about our society's fascination with Homosexuality (I am not homophobic nor am I trying to be I am making a point) it says in the Bible that Homosexuality is a Sin and that God made Man for Woman and Woman for Man. I am not ashamed of my creator God or my savior Jesus Christ and I am highly offended with peoples attempts at taking God and Jesus out of everything. So I am going to do the only thing I can do which is Pray for these people that their eyes be opened. Now I know that you may read this and think I am crazy then that's fine because I know that to many I am considered crazy I don't care because I know the Truth and the Truth my friends is Jesus Christ. You know the first amendment supports the right to freedom to worship freely without oppression yet today Us Christians are starting to get persecuted even killed around the world from worshipping God (and yes, this oppression is even starting in the states take a look at what the ACLU is doing, really doing I mean trying to take God out of everything possible. I am RaptorTwister and that's how I see it.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Imaginary Convo. between me and someone from the ACLU

Me: Merry Christmas Sir.

Random guy from the ACLU: Christmas? Don't you mean X-Mas?

Me: No Sir, I mean Christmas.

Guy: Christmas is a bit UN PC Don't you think?

Me: Un PC? I don't think so sir besides I'd rather be right then PC anyday Sir.

Guy: Heathen, you shall burn forever for your narrow minded religious views.*storms off*

Me: David Weiss was so right. It is better to be right then it is to be Politically Correct. Why is it people have such a problem with Christ? Tis a sad state we live in.

Frickin' Idiots.blogspot as well as myself would liek to wish you all a very Merry christmas.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

This just in: Both the ACLU and Michale Moore proven hypocrites who only care about money.

editors note: DUH!!!

The ACLU protecting the Civil liberties of Americans for at least 2 months now. (All Americans except those whose opinions are differant than those of ours,or subsididaries or Michael Moore this includes Christians and those who believe in the actual God and his Holy Word void where prohibited offer not good in Illinois or Nebraska or anywhere else in America for that matter)

To: The ACLU

From: Me

I'ts Christmas not X-Mas and I am a Christian not an Xtian

I can eat that?

I guess not http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/13474487.htm (copy and paste)

Some woman in Kansas tried to eat her own cell phone just so her b/f whom she was fighting with at the time wouldn't get it

To quote Bill Engvall "Here's Your Sign Lady."

Friday, December 23, 2005

Mean Streakers of the world UNTIE!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Mood: jovial

Track playing: Lunatic to Love by The Presidents Of The United States of America

Some people should be locked up due to reasons of stupidity.

example: On a thread asking Why does Michael Moore have to make another Fahrenheit 911 movie. One guy went on a semi-long rant which included "When Bush gets re-elected in 2008 I am moving to England" Anybody who has taken at least 8th grade American History class would no that no president can get elected to more then two terms so after the second term a president is done. Correct me if I am wrong but in order for someone to sound half way intelligent then they should know what they are talkign about and if not then do some research.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mood: Good

Movie Playing: Shaun Of The Dead

Normally I hate movies with horror elements to them not to mention Gore but I love this movie. It is hilarious. The jokes, the situations, the characters, just all of it really, really funny. I hope to see Simon Pegg (shaun), Nick Frost, (ED) Bill Nighy (Phillip), Kate Ashfeild (Liz) all in other movies because they were all utterly brilliant in this film.

You got red on you.

The following post has been predicted by Nostradamus.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Mother moon bat guano nutso broad have you no decency?

http://moorewatch.com/index.php/weblog/comments/1546/ (copy and paste)

(Warning the following like does contain foul language Neither I nor frickin' idiots are responsible for it's content or the picture making you sick to your stomach. consider yourself warned.)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Three words: Funniest Movie Ever.

The cockpit? what is it?

It's the room in front of the plane where the pilots sit but that's not important right now.

The fog is getting thicker.

And Leon's getting laaaaaaarger.


Mood: rejuvenated

DVD Playing: Airplane!

Seriously don't call me Shirley.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"And the first time that you opened your eyes did you realize that you would be my savior? And the first breath that left your lips did you know that it would change this world forever?"-Relient K

An observation by me: It is far better to raid someone else's refridgerator than it is to raid ones own.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

So there I was...Woah Deja Vu

Another sentimental argument and bitter love/Bummed without a kiss again/dragged it through the mud/yelling at brick walls and punching windows made of stone/the Worry Rock has turned to dust/falling on out pride.-Worry Rock Green Day

Where do we go from here and what did you do with the directions?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

To blogger or not to blogger? That is the question?

moving on

Track Playing: Walking Alone

I was going to do a video for this song for my final project in video but we ran out of time. Which is sad because i had some great ideas for it to *sigh* maybe in Video 2.

Track Playing: Haushinka

For a while I used to sing this one as Zuzana because back in 2001 I had a HUGE crush on this girl named Zuzana who was from another country. The crush itself lasted 2 years. Thankfully now I am over it and with a great albeit weird girl.

Out of all the datable females on this planet I get the weird one. Oh well at least things with Her are interesting to say the least. I can't complain cause she does rock.

It's music night again woooooooooo!

Cd Playing: Nimrod by Green Day

Track Playing: Last Ride

A surprisingly gentle instrumental by Green Day a very nice track indeed. Very Surfer-eaque tune.

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