Thursday, March 31, 2005

There should be a new law: Any man that hits a woman has his hands cut off and the woman gets to kick him in his area.

I am the DDR champion of the world (ok, not really I am not very good but I am getting better and losing weight)

Back in the 1700's the word Intercourse meant Conversation my how times have changed.

For crying out loud man put that PSP down you're gonna kill us.

No, I don't care if you are playing Need For Speed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I've been blogging ever since before blogging was cool.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Wow it's been a while since I last updated my blogspot I figured it's about bloody time that I did.

Great news I am currently seeing someone she is really cool and a lot of fun to hang around with. Before I used to have bouts with loneliness thankfully she cmae into my life and things have been great. Today is our fourth date to which we are going to relax and watch a movie (she has to work so we don't have much time.) Other than that I tried not to update my blogspot for fear of lack of material to post fortunately a wedding singer at the Angry Trout (weird name yes but great food and a nice place to eat) gave me more material then I know what to do with. After about 2 minutes of listening to this guy sing I turned to my mom and my aunt and said "When I get married this guy has inspired order a DJ that is." The he started singing under the boardwalk (one of my favorite oldie songs) I replied "Alright I get it now stop before the Drifter sues you for butchering their song." There were so many other wisecracks from us but none I can remember at this time. School has been going great too (except this huge paper I ave due but no worries I will get it done.)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lately I have been in the On-Campus Radio Station at Lakeland and I have been having fun promoting KJ-52 and Frickinidiots.blogspot's very own wonder tonic Maturity (which I can name at least 7 people who could desperately use some). I have been haivng a blast and hope to get back to recording more stuff soon.

I am just too darn hype

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