Friday, September 22, 2006

I heard some japs killed a few of those things at Kikkoman.
That's a soy sauce.
Right. Low Sodium.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Yes I know I haven't updated in a while so in the words of Taylor Mason "Here We Go"

First if all CP announced.....Maverick I was right about a few things. One the name it was fairly obvious and two it involves inversions. School is really hectic but good I start my show again this week. and finally (for now) I got a free 1 Gig Flash Drive which I have named Flash E. Drive j.r. (look in the archives from may 2004)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mood: Hecka Anxious

Reason: Cedar Point is announcing their new ride for 2007 recently title Project 2007

AAAAAHHHHH I can't stand the suspense so I think I'll sit down. Ok now with the bad joke out of the way tommorrow is going to be a red letter day for us Coaster Enthusiasts since CP is announcing their new coaster. After months and months of speculation, rumors and just general overall tripe. CP will prove some wrong, prove some right and hopefully shut some up. Case in point filled with so much noise my computer is now deaf I just lurk there despite the moderator being a jerk He does keep his site pretty up to date. I shall sleep but not a wink tonight in eager anticipation as to what tommorrow morning's news will hold for us.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sorry I can't understand a word you are saying Mr. Puffy Jacket Man.

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