Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Mood: Tired and happy cause it's me Birthday

CD Playing: Toby Mac- Welcome to Diverse City

Track playing: Stories

Wait a minute that's not a dirt berger!?

"Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge. I'm trying not to lose my head."

How I feel some days especially when those who don't like me try to destroy me. So far y'all have failed. I am still here and I am still surviving thanks to God. It was Him who has been there for me when so many people in the past have failed me. From those trying to push me around to those who are still mad at me for things that have happened years in the past. When I say Get Over It I mean it don't wallow and stew in your own misery it is getting you nowhere but worse off then you already are. Jesus said "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." he also said "If a brother sins against you then pull him aside and point it out. if he apologizes then let it go." Wise words from a very wise person more than a person actually the very Son of God. It is because of God that I don't lose my cool with those who wrong me. I have been wronged many times in the past yet I hold no grudges. I am not going to name drop but if you read this and you know who you are and what you did then drop the grudges and the Hate becasue it is only going to destroy you if you continue to let your anger and your Hate consume you.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

"If 13 is an unlucky number then 12 and 14 are guilty by association.-Mitch Hedberg.

This just in: A would be thief in Chicago tried to rob a bar with a 'gun shaped object' which turned out to be a Ham Sandwich. When this was found out he turned and tried to flee only to be arrested. A local reporter responded "Ham Sandwiches don't kill people guns do." to which I reply "Tell that to Mama Cass."

Frickin' Idiots would like to thank Ryan 'fatty' Fatica for having the presence of mind to play Chariots of Fire yesterday at 5 am when we opened for our "Day after thanksgiving" sale with all the customers coming through the doors to find the best deals.

Monday, November 21, 2005

She is at it again Mother Moonbat Guano Nutso Broad is up to no good again observe:

Open Letter to George's Mama

...a message from Cindy Sheehan

Dear Barbara,

On April 04, 2004, your oldest child killed my oldest child, Casey Austin Sheehan.

Unlike your oldest child, my son was a marvelous person who joined the military to serve his country and to try and make the world a better place. Casey didn't want to go to Iraq, but he knew his duty. Your son went AWOL from a glamour unit. George couldn't even handle the Alabama Air National Guard. Casey joined the Army before your son became commander in chief. We all know that your son was thinking of invading Iraq as early as 1999. Casey was a dead man before George even became president and before he even joined the Army in May of 2000.

(it wasn't the president who killed your son it was your son's decision to join the army yeah Bush declared war however your son could of opted to drop out of the army and not go over to Iraq. Do you have undeniable proof of Bush not being able to handle the Alabama National Guard? or did you get that one from your friend in bulls&*t/lover Michael Moore?. Once again how do you know Bush was thinking about invading Iraq since 1999 even though back then he was not the president?)

I raised Casey and my other children to use their words to solve problems and conflicts. I told my four children from the time that they were small that it is ALWAYS wrong to kick, bite, hit, scratch, pull hair, etc. If the smaller children couldn't find the words to solve their conflicts without violence, I always encouraged them to find a mediator like a parent, older sibling, or teacher to help them find the words.

(You taught your children to use words to solve problems o.k. I can see that however sometiems you have to fight. fighting is necessary War may be Hell but it is sometimes the only course of action. The soldiers in Iraq are defending your freedom even if it means your freedom to be a nutso broad so full of crap as to make Michael Moore proud. Violence is everywhere in the world like it or not. I don't like violence much myself but it is in the world it always has been ever since man fell from grace. A Mediator? sorry that is almost like getting someone to solve your problems for you instead of you solving them yourselves. I can see where a kid would need someone to help them find the words but still need to solve their problems themselves. Lady you are so far out of it did the death of your son REALLY push you that far over the edge or does the fact that you are prostituting him to gain sympathy and love make you that crazy? or have you always been this nutso? THink about this would your son want you to parade him around like this for your own personal agenda? I don't think he would.)

Did you teach George to use his words and not his violence to solve problems? It doesn't appear so. Did you teach him that killing other people for profits and oil is ALWAYS wrong? Obviously you did not. I also used to wash my children's mouth out with soap on the rare occasion that they lied... did you do that to George? Can you do it now? He has lied and he is still lying. Saddam did not have WMDs or ties with al-Qaeda and the Downing Street Memos prove that your son knew this before he invaded Iraq.

(Sorry lady I am not buying what you are selling even if a lot of other people are. Did you not hear that Oil Company Executives had a HUGE MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR profit this past quarter? did you also not hear of congress questioning some of these executives? I don't think so or else you would'nt be running your mouth ok maybe you would be but in either case you are still WRONG. Do you have concrete evidence that the president lied? No? big freaking surprise you can;t back up what you are saying just like your buddy Michael Moore. You actually washed your children's mouth out with soap? that proves more so that you are crazy.)

On August 3rd, 2005, your son said that he killed my son and the other brave and honorable Americans for a "noble cause." Well, Barbara, mother to mother, that angered me. I don't consider invading and occupying another country that was proven not to be a threat to the USA is a noble cause. I don't think invading a country, killing its innocent citizens, and ruining the infrastructure to make your family and your family-friendly war profiteers rich is a noble cause.

(From sane person to mother off of her freaking rocker I say Stop It. you are making an arse of yourself and have no logical evidence to back up your statements at this point I really think you are just talking out of your bum.)

So I went down to Crawford in August to ask your son what noble cause did he kill my son for. He wouldn't speak with me. I think that showed incredibly bad manners. Do you think a president, even if it is your son, should be so inaccessible to his employers? Especially one of his bosses whose life George has devastated so completely?

(Bush was smart not to talk to you. With all the time you have spent with Moore you probably would of used the same trapping techniques he uses in his interviews in order to make his own self feel superior to his subject. I sure as shootin' wouldn't talk to you if I was president)

I have been to the White House several times since August to try and meet with George and I am going back to Crawford next week. Do you think you can call him and ask him to do the right thing and bring the troops home from this illegal and immoral war in Iraq that he carelessly started? I hear you are one of the few people he still talks to. He won't speak to his father, who knew the difficulties and impossibilities of going into Iraq and that's why he didn't go there in the 1st Gulf War. If you won't tell him to bring the troops home, can you at least urge him to meet with me?

(Stop trying to make this letter sound like a sincere mother-mother with Barbara and not a personal attack on both him and her. I am sick and tired of hearing you whenever I read your letters all I see is blah blah blah.)

You said this in 2003, a little over a year before my dear, sweet Casey was killed by your son's policies:

"Why should we hear about body bags and deaths? Oh, I mean, it's not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" (Good Morning America, March 18, 2003)

(do the words "completely out of context" mean anything to you? it certaintly means nothing to your pal moore.)

Now I have something to tell you, Barbara. I didn't want to hear about deaths or body bags either. On April 04, 2004, three Army officers came to my house to tell me that Casey was killed in Iraq. I fell on the floor screaming and begging the cruel Angel of Death to take me too. But the Angel of Death that took my son is your son.

(Angel of Death? come on Cindy that would be like me calling you the Devil even though what you do makes you seem out of your gourd me calling you the devil would be a bit too harsh. Once again and I will capitalize it for you: BUSH DID NOT KILL YOUR SON HE CHOSE TO ENLIST IN THE ARMY AND GO OVER TO IRAQ HE COULD OF NOT GONE IF HE DIDN'T WANT TO HE COULD OF DROPPED OUT OF THE ARMY. He chose to go noone put a gun to his head. Wait you screaming and begging is a new conept to you? I think not I think you have always been like that and not just when you found out about your sons death.

Casey came home in a flag draped coffin on April 10th. I used to have a beautiful mind too. Now my mind is filled with images of seeing his beautiful body in his casket and memories of burying my brave and honest boy before his life really began. Casey's beautiful mind was ended by an insurgent's bullet to his brain, but your son might as well have pulled the trigger.

(ummm insuregant and the president are one in the same? how do you figure? One is the leader of a country who (whether you want to admit it or not) is trying to do his best to make this country strong again while onehas no regard for human life not even their own and would probably die for their cause if they had to.)

Besides encouraging your son to have some honesty and courage and to finally do the right thing, don't you think you owe me and every other Gold Star parent an apology for that cruel and careless remark you made?

(She doesn't owe you squat. When did you get it into your crazed mind that just because a member of your family got killed that you were automatically owed something bye anyone other than the one actually responsible for his murder? earth to Mother Moonbat guano if you want sympathy from me or anyone with half a brain you have to look in the dictionary between s&*t and syphilis.)

Your son's amazingly ignorant, arrogant, and reckless policies in Iraq are responsible for so much sorrow and trouble in this world.

(and your amazingly ignorant and arrogant letters are responsible for many people criticizing you and your actions not to mention me dissecting your letter like this and hitting you with the very thing that you fear the most...the truth.

Can you make him stop? Do it before more mothers' lives are needlessly and cruelly harmed. There have been too many worldwide already.

(Can you stop making such a spectacle of yourself before other people fall for your trap. There have already been a lot of other people making fun of you/pointing your absurd behavior out from what I have said I am going easy on you compared to a lot of other stuff I have read directed towards you.)


Cindy Sheehan
Mother of Casey Sheehan
Founder and President of Gold Star Families for Peace
Founder of Camp Casey Peace Foundation

The following was an observation by Me. Someone who is sick and tired of people like Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore whom feel that they have a right to make people feel like jerks. I am getting really sick of you Cindy I have spent the past 45 min. disecting your letter and commenting on your latest "full of crap" comments. So please do everyone a favor and go back home and never bother any other hard wrking citizen again especially the president becasue obviously your antics are gtting nothing done besides tons of people riffing on you for being such an attention whore and of course what you are doing while not only is embarassing yourself it is not going to bring your son back.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

This also just in: Shooting breaks out after showing of 50 Cent's new movie Get Rich or Die Trying. Gee who would of that that a movie that glorofied drugs, violence and beign a drug dealer can lead you to a career as a rapper could incite someone to commit a violent act? Ok don't get me wrong I am not one to point the finger at violent movies/video games when something like this happens however people need to learn to take responisilities for themselves and learn to act and live like normal people and sorry but movies like thsi are garbage pure and simple trash. What moral lesson is there to this movie? what is it teaching those who watch it including impressonable children? Call me crazy or whatever you want to but my point is this people take responibilites for your own actions and stop scapegoating it seems that our litigation happy society loves to find someone to blame just to make a quick buck. Remember No Sin goes unpunished God sees everything and God knows everything and He will punish the wicked and the Evil.

This just in: Fidel Castro has Parkinsons Disease. Looks like God is taking care of something that neither the Bay of Pigs nor Coleman Francis could do.

My Audio 1 class was back in Suma today mixing down the tracks of what is now known as the "Stank" sessions. Let me explain it is really quite simple back in the first session one guy in the class to "put some stank on that track" referring to the song the band was recording. Basically putting stank on a trakc is essentially just adding some funkiness to it.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Rest In Peace Eddie Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero was found dead in his Hotel room today Sunday in Minneapolis. There is no signs of suicide or foul play. Eddie was a born again Christian so he is with God now. However I do miss him and my prayers and condolences go out to his friends and family.

To:Pat Robertson

From: The rest of the healthy, normal, Christian community

Please Stop it. Just stop it you are embarassing yourself. Not just yourself but the rest of us Christians who actually believe God's love and what The Bible says not just your leftist, fundamentalist point of view. Now don't get me wrong I am not trying to attack you or call you names I am making a plea for sanity from you. A plea to stop using the tv show The 700 club promote values that are well not quit biblical although wheather you see it or not I am not sure. So please Mr. Robertson the next time you want to open your mouth about something think about it and most importantly pray about it before you say anything. Some of your latest comments Sir quite frankly make me sick:

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city," Robertson said on his Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club."

Mr. Patterson it is not every citizen of Dover and even if it was if they were to turn back to God and truly repent then God would take them back but if their haearts were hardend enough then they won't turn. God loves us so much that He wants to take us back it is up to each one of us personally to accept him or not.

Instead of praying to God, Robertson said the folks in Dover will have to worship science. "If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin," the television personality declared. "Maybe he can help them."

Ok Pat thats a bit harsh and not something a real Chritian would say a real Christian would pray for these people to turn their hearts and their lives over to God.

In conclusion Pat you yourself need to re-evaluate your beliefs and hopefully turn back to God and stop acting like a fool and embarassing the rest of us Christians. Harsh probably but it is the truth and the Truth for a lot of people is not an easy thing to take.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

It's hard to wake up when the shades have been pulled shut. This house is haunted it's so pathetic it makes no sense at all. I'm ripe with things to say the words rot and fall away. What stupid poem could fix this home I'd read it everyday.

So here's your holiday I hope you enjoy it this time. You gave it all away. It was mine so when your dead and gone will you remember this night? 20 years now lost. It's not right.

Their anger hurts my ears. It's been running strong for 7 years. Rather than fix their problems they never solve them. It makes no sense at all. I see them every day we get along so why can't they? If this is what he wants and it's what she wants then why's there so much pain?- Blink 182 Stay together for the Kids

THe following is a song by the band Blink 182. While I don't regularly listen to this band anymore this song especially hits home for me since when I was 11 or so my parents got divorced and it as been u-g-l-y ever since. I do count my blessings though that I still talk with both my mom and my dad and that my father did not run out on my mother,sister and I. I do however think that both of them should get over what ever happened and move on since both parents (although they deny it up and down) still put the other down verbally. But liek I said I am thiankful that I still have a relationship with both of my parents.

Moving on here is I Play Dead by one of my fav. bands ever Demon Hunter.

Sorry it is music night tonight

Track playing: Starless by Crossfade

Ummmmm ok yeah I guess this is where I say something witty or insightful...welll ok here it sorry maybe later I'll have something.

Well The past week was our first week at the Suma Recording Studio. Very interesting facilities it is in the beginning of nowhere, there is a one car driveway and the building itself looks liek something from the film Shrek. The owner is a decent guy I guess he was never really in the studio when we were recording although the guy smokes like a chimney. The band is called Bad Memory and to be honest they are not that bad. I think the biggest thing recorded there was Play that Funky Music by the band Wild Cherry. Oh well back to the studio on monday for more fun stuff.

Post #400 BABY WOOOOO! Hey party over here.

Coming soon: My trip report of the final day of the operating season for Geauga Lake for 2005 and my TP/review of Castaway Bay Indoor Waterpark.

I'd rather be flying at ludicrous speed-Alien Coaster Enthusiasts.

Track: Zombie Nation

Always reminds me of SOTD

I've been waiting a longtime for this moment to come. I'm destined for anyhting at all.-Green Day

So long and thanks for all the fish.

Mood: Rockin'

Track plaing: Castaway by Green Day

Yeah Shaun of the Dead rocks. I picked up Danger! 50,000 volts form work (with the discount :-D ) it feautres Nick Frost from Shaun of the Dead it is a comedy/documentary on how to survive differant situations like Zombie Attacks, bear attakcs, falling in frozen water etc. It is very entertaining although I am not sure on it's vercity but still it was worth the $16. And on that note:

How's that for a slice of fried gold?

Mood: Tired and missing Angel

Cd playing: A mix CD I made earlier
Track playing: I have no idea it is some Latin Techno song some guy in my Video class brought it in and I burned it some buddies of his made a video for it and it was hilarious.

*sigh* I miss Angel. There I said it and I'd say it again if I had to I miss Angel. *sigh* why can't I be with her more often? we always have so much fun together. We have been dating 8 months and things are great between us I can't help but wonder how serious we are or are getting. I have deep feelings for her and I have told her so though I am not sure if she feels the same. *sigh* why does this have to be so complicated? Do I love her? I don't know how does one tell if they are in love or not? I guess you can't be told if you are in love or not you just know and sometimes I am sure that you can be in love and just not consciously know it for a while. I guess time will tell.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

There is no I in team but there is an I in pie.There is an I in Meat Pie meat being an anagram of team. I have no idea what he was talking about either.-Shaun

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mood: Bored
CD Playing: Adam up by Apologetix
Track Playing: Called My Wife

*sighs* Why am I so bored today? I have to work tonight from 4-8:30 which I don't want too because I am tired today but I have to. Who knows maybe work will actually aleviate my boredom if not for a little bit. I like working at Best Buy overlal although at time the job itself can become very,very boring. Maybe today is just one of those days for whatever reason which sucks but I guess nothing can be done about it. I don't know why it is really windy outside and I LOVE windy days for some strange reason I just always have. I miss some of my old friends whom I have lost contact with and those I have not heard from in a while. Those I miss hanging around with and those I just miss hearing from. Weather they be from CP or from wherever else. So many happy memories from CP the good far outweight the bad. I guess I am just in a reminiscent mood today. I'll never forget my first week in CS making Camp Bus go backwards on my first attempt ever to operate a ride. The TL's reaction which was downright hilarious. I miss Keith from Scotland who would ALWAYS want to stay on TIlt-A-Whirl when he was on it and it came time for rotation. I miss Rob my first TL and Dana the ATL so many good times working with them. I miss Zuzana my friend from Slovakia I can't help but wonder whatever happened to her. I learned and grew so much in my first 2 seasons it was unreal within a week alone I had gone from Hermit to Social it was weird at first but I grew to be so outgoing it wasn't even funny. *sigh* I guess you can't go back home again anyway it is time to go get reayd for work later bloggerinos.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Fav. Best Buy moment: Working untill 11:00 last night being tired as all get out and having someone play Feliz Navidad about 20 times in a row. Good times.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Mood:Tired but good (as usual)

CD Playing: Nimrod by Green Day

Track Playing: Walking Alone (very nice harmonica section on this track)

Well I have to work today but only for 6 hours. So far I love my job and highly enjoy working at Best Buy. The people are great I get to talk about music,movies and video games all day it is really cool. We have on display an XBOX 360 which I have been able to get about 5 min. playing time on and I am pretty impressed with what I have seen so far (not enough to buy one opening day however although that itself would be very unlikely) but they are very, very cool games machines. The demo I played was of King Kong which had me fighting a T-Rex while playing as the titular Ape (hehehe I said titular...sorry). Angel and I are doing really well it has been 7 and a half months and things are great she does work a lot and now that I have a job I work quite a bit myself. Further events as updates warrant.

I flippin' knew it. "Cedar Point to build a Screamin' Swing named Skyhawk for 2006 season." Judging for the pictures of the "mysterious parts" in the Saok City parking lot that appeared this past summer you didn't have to be the head casheir at Wal-Mart to figure out that they were parts for a screamin' swing. Interestingly enough with the removeale of White Water Landing (R.I.P. WWL I shall miss you dearly.) still remains unused for the new ride is going between the exit of Cedar Creek Mine Ride and the entrance of Snake River Falls (what is with CP and three word ride names anyway?) While I knew the ride type just from the pics. I did not however know the name but in all honesty while it is something CP would use it is not that bad of a name for a ride but please CP try to be a tad bit more creatuive with ride names in the future Top Thrill Dragster and maXair don't quite cut it but I guess they could be worse. You could be like Six Flags and name every ride in every park the same. I guess time will tell what will happen of the land used up by WWL. On a lighter note Frontier Town (a section of the park near and dear to my heart due to my last true CP baby Mean Streak) is getting another ride so hopefully it will increase traffic to that section of the park and hopefully ridership for one of my personal fav. wooden coasters.

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